Policies & Fees

I offer a number of different packages depending on your specific needs. Please contact me for price estimates.


Payment is due at the time of the consult or event by cash or check.
No refunds or transfers. Packages must be completed in 90 days.


Call your insurance provider and check what your plan covers for medical nutrition therapy by a registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN). Insurance is by reimbursement.


If you must change an appointment please call 24 hours prior to visit or you will be billed for the appointment.


Ginny reviews and recommends certain supplements if needed.

Other Healthcare Providers

Communicate with your other health care providers as needed.

Minors and Physically Challenged

All minors under the 18 years, or physically challenged people must be accompanied by an adult or caregiver.


All material in this website is provided for educational purposes only. Consult your own physician regarding the diagnosis or treatment for your medical condition.